Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Pink Toes

These are the first socks I ever made. This is what I learned about guage: It is sort of important. But it might not matter that much if you make something a little big (or small) because it might turn out that your dad's (or little sister's) birthday is coming right up and he (or she) will LOVE a pair of handmade socks. These became the perfect birthday present for my dad. I think he was pretty impressed. Even if there is one pink toe. I ran out of yarn (of course) as I was finishing them up the night before they needed to be thrown in the mail. I didn't have time to go into the city for more yarn (of course, they wouldn't have had any anyway), I had some bits of grey and white that would have sort of matched, and then I had this pink. Leftover from sister Bailey's socks. I thought it would be more fun to make pink toes. You may notice that there is only one pink toe. This is because, while I am getting better at reading my knitting, I was too nervous to undo the finished toe. Who knows how far it might have unraveled? I was not prepared to deal with that at 1 in the morning. So I left it as it is. My dad likes them anyway. He's a good dad.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Crusty Rosemary Bread

Today I finally got around to using my Christmas gift dutch oven to make crusty bread and it completely worked the way my friends at Cook's Illustrated said that it would.  

Observe the perfect crusty quality of the bread.  I think this is the beginning of a new era in Ashley's Bread  Baking.

Matt and I are off in a few minutes for some professional development, in this case watching the winning films from last year's 48 Hour Film Project to see what we are up against and what to expect when we participate for the first time next weekend.  The films are showing at midnight.  Yipes.  We tried to go last night but I had two margaritas and fell asleep.  No margaritas tonight.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Amazing Silhouette Cookies

Look at the beautiful cookies I made!  I would have loved to make them in a more interesting shape (the tutorial I followed used a teacup shape), and decorated them a little more on the edges, but in fact I am quite happy that they turned out as well as they did, considering that I had never tried this before and also that the project was completed in little snippets of time here and there - after rehearsal tuesday, midnight on thursday, friday morning at 6am...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Miss Mary Bennett

Things are looking pretty good for P+P! I kind of love this picture. See more here.

Monday, March 10, 2008


I have had a great weekend of knitting, acting, cooking with friends and just having a good time. Meeting with Antonio on Saturday was so inspiring and made me feel much more excited about my work in P+P than I have been recently. We open Friday and things are going well.
Here are my socks of which I am so proud-they look really big but they are perfectly shaped for my legs and I can hardly believe I got them right on (pretty much) the first try.
I can't wait to see Mom and Katie on Friday! And next Monday will see all the James sisters together again, and we will, I hope, all be participating in the winter activities...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Acting News

I have lots of new acting projects coming up! First, Pride and Prejudice with the Newton Country Players begins tech on Sunday and opens March 14. Here is the website for buying tickets: After that I will be performing "the Irish lass" in a short play that is part of SLAMBoston, co-produced by Another Country Productions and Company One, two groups that I am so excited to get to know! I haven't started rehearsals yet, but I have been practicing my Irish accent and slang. And third, Matt and I are both going to be involved in Boston's 48 hour film project the first weekend of April. I am acting, he is assistant dp/editor. I was really impressed by the performance quality of the clips I saw from Frog Pond Production's first feature length film, so I am a little nervous, but I hope to get some good advice and guidance from my...acting coach!

I am going to start meeting with Antonio, who was my favorite professor at Emerson, once a week or so. I think that the one-on-one time with someone I really respect as an actor and teacher will be so useful for me and I am really looking forward to it. Again, I am a little nervous, but it is a good nervous. I know he will push me to become a better actor and give me lots of insight on the process, my process, all of these things that I need to be thinking about.

And, I have not had to start my socks over since the last post. I think they are going to fit perfectly. They look gigantic, but that is because they have to fit over my gigantic calves. I hope I don't run out of yarn.

I am watching the mail for my new sewing machine so that I can start on my one-thing-a-week sewing challenge!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Progress! I hope...

After starting and unravelling my celery socks about five times, I think I finally have the right size/pattern/etc. I am nervous that I might have made the sock too big, but that just means I will have to unravel and start a sixth time. Not that big of a deal since I love the process and want to stretch it out as long as possible since I won't be able to buy new yarn for about a month. Because...

I bought a new sewing machine. Matt got tired of me complaining about the borrowed one and threw me in the car and took me to Sears to get a new one. It should be here on Wednesday, just in time to start the challenge I came up with for myself...

After attending a theatre tech and production job fair on Saturday, I realized that my sewing skills, while very useful and perhaps even impressive for someone who is pretty much self-taught, are not quite good enough to get overhire work in a costume shop. So, I am going to use my stash of fabric and make a new project each week, trying new things to increase my knowledge and help me get an internship or job someday.
Speaking of jobs, I am looking for a fun one. Any ideas? I'm very picky.